Job Detail

Email Management

Project detail

Info/answers from Client:


What does your typical day look like?
For the assistant, it would be responding to emails and fulfilling orders into our system.  The only other thing would be lead generation and finding opportunities

What do you hate to do that needs to get done and what would you rather be doing?
As mentioned on our call, the smaller type of emails that require more of a scripted response and easy conversation.  I need to focus on other aspects of the business and growing our custom side.

What are your income-producing activities?
Dealing with clients, consistent follow up and email blasts, updates on projects and social media, lead generation

Who is your target market, and where are they based?
Experiential Marketing firms, PR firms, Retailers, Event Vendors, Large corporate event organizations,

What skillset are you looking for in your VA?
Professional, Consistent, Communicative to me with issues if needed, keen eye for opportunities

What tasks do you currently need help with?
See first question reply.

How much time do you currently spend on those tasks?
Not quanitifying at the moment, but 10-15hrs per week.

What does your communication flow look like?
Incoming email.  Reply, More questions and clarifications, Forward to me of larger or design specific projects,booking process.

What are your expectations of the working relationship?
Clear and communicative.  I am very easy to work with and ok with mistakes.  Just need constant communication and validation of understanding, rather than doing with “knowing already”

Do you have a timescale for the support requirements?
20-40hrs per month

Do you prefer to communicate only during certain times of the day?
Very flexible.  Ideal communication from 9-9

Do you have your own task management CRM?
Yes, Goodshuffle Pro

What is your (weekly / monthly) budget?
8-10 hrs per week

Required Skills/ Apps

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