Job Detail

Social Media & Marketing Assistant

  • Job typeJob type: Remote

Project detail

What do you hate to do that needs to get done and what would you rather be doing?

I don’t hate creative work- but the execution of marketing ideas is time-consuming and I need more time back. I’d rather be leading the team and managing.

What are your income-producing activities?
  • Customer calls & product management by way of creating a great product


Who is your target market, and where are they based?
  • Integrative practitioners (nutritionists, naturopathic doctors in the US & Canada)


What skillset are you looking for in your VA?
  • Marketing
  • Design (Canva, Flodesk)
  • Social Media


What tasks do you currently need help with?

– the above


How much time do you currently spend on those tasks?
  • Not enough- not enough time


What does your communication flow look like?
  • Slack, Notion & Zoom


What are your expectations of the working relationship?
  • Deliver quality materials on-time and communicate proactivley
  • looking for a person with a real interest in health & wellness


Do you prefer to communicate only during certain times of the day?
  • I am on slack all-day


Do you have your own task management CRM?
  • I use reminders app + pen and paper – and Notion for the rest of team


Required Skills/ Apps

Project Completion deadline

February 28, 2022