Job Detail

Virtual receptionist/administrator for Medical-Legal Practice

Project detail

Job Details:

Responds to email inquiries / rarely phone messages to book requests for a Psychiatrist to perform medical-legal assessments. Answers questions about assessments. Books assessments using electronic calendar. Uploads electronic medical documents to a secure cloud storage site. Assigns medical file reviewers who summarize the electronic files. Follows up with referral sources (law offices) when electronic medical files not received. Reaches out to clients who are to be assessed to trial run the Zoom-like application ( to make sure clients have adequate computer audio and camera. Potential to track and manage work flow of reports.

Programs/Apps Required:

Google Calendar, Gmail, Sync (cloud database; will provide instruction), (Secure medical grade Zoom-like application for interviews; will provide instruction)

Additional Skills Required:

None. Could learn the cloud-based file management and how to test the internet-based telemedine app easily.

Long Term/Monthly – 20 hours/week

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