Special Events/Program Manager
Responsible for all aspects of Summerside Beach Club programs, special events as well as administrative duties. Responsible for developing and maintaining the SSRA sponsorship program to meet the organization’s financial objectives. Duties include meeting sponsors' needs, managing contracts, overseeing communication, sponsorship strategy and planning. Research, develop, plan, implement and evaluate various recreation programs and special events to meet the needs of the residents of Summerside. Manage and maintain social engagement on all social media platforms. Write, edit, and design the digital Summerside Beach Club quarterly program guide.
Podiatric Medical Assistant
Responsibilities included working closely with the Doctor and team members to ensure that patients received the highest quality of care. Responsible for scheduling appointments, coordinating surgical schedules, Alberta Health Care billing, patient billing, as well as third party billings. Assisted the Dr. with minor and major surgeries, used autoclave to sterilize all surgical instruments, used sterile technique to set up for all surgical procedures.