How many virtual receptionist minutes do I need per month?

How many virtual receptionist minutes do I need per month?

How many virtual receptionist minutes do I need per month?

When choosing a plan it can be difficult to know exactly how many virtual receptionist or call answering minutes you’ll need each month, especially if your call volume fluctuates throughout the year, you’ve never tracked what your monthly call average or if you’ve never used an answering service before.

But don’t worry! We can help you figure it all out with the following 3 step process so you’ll know how many virtual receptionist minutes you’ll need each month. We often help clients figure out their virtual receptionist needs so they get started with the right plan. We’ll walk you through it! Let’s get started.

There are 3 steps in this process to get started. If you already have a business line set up and are getting calls, then start at step one. If this is your first business number and you haven’t received any calls, then skip to step-2.


Figure out the number of calls you receive on average each month. This will be your call volume.

  • Low call volume – You receive less than 50 calls per week.
  • Medium call volume – You receive less than 75 calls per week.
  • High call volume – You receive 75 or more calls per week.
  • Fluctuating call volume – Varying amounts of calls each week with no real averages.

Sign up with a virtual receptionist or call answering service that tracks calls by the minute. These companies will track your calls and give you a report on how many minutes you used for calls and receptionist services.


Once you’ve completed one month of service, you’ll be able to review the number of virtual receptionist minutes you used for the month. This is the number you’ll base your estimates on and what will help determine the paid plan you should select.

Say you used 300 minutes per month – we’d then recommend that you sign up for a plan that has around 330 minutes so that you have a little extra in case of call surges. We’ll never recommend a plan that includes more minutes than you realistically need. We’ll always help you find a plan that will fit your company best.

If your call volume tends to fluctuate wildly and you just don’t think your first month’s minute usage is indicative of future call volume, we can work with you to figure out a plan that can change with your fluctuating calls.

Virtual Assistant Canada

Author Since: August 27, 2021

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